Welcome to AMTB Solutions Ltd.

We build, repair, and place bins on hoppers. If you don't see it listed, contact us. Chances are we can help you.


PO BOX 329, Vanguard SK S0N 2V0, CA

Welcome to our website

This website is not completely done yet. I'll keep adding until it's done. Check it out.

Price list down below with photos

Our latest and best photos.

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

For bin sales contact
Jason's AGRI-MOTIVE (306)648-8181

New bin with stiffeners $0.35 bushel

 Adding ladder cage $50/ section

New bins without stiffeners $0.33/ bushel

Hopper moving $400.00
Bolting hoppers together $250.00

4800 bushel and under
set up is $1680.00.
disassembling is $1200. 
 hopper fitting is $1300.00
 $50.00/ stiffener to add stiffeners
$100.00/ring to add a ring

Retro Rocket  installation $550.00
 Fan installation $50.00 

Aeration tube installation $50

$100.00 fan installation

Rocket installation

Staircase installation- $100/section

Item title

Additional Services



Aeration Tubes


OP Cables




General Construction Labor
